If someone asked us a year ago about the importance of being prepared for a crisis, we probably would have seen it to be important, but not urgent. The last six months have taught us that we simply need to be prepared for various crisis scenarios the world might have in store for us.

Business continuity planning is all about thinking through and planning responses to likely scenarios in advance, so that when the need arises, you have a head-start on dealing with the situation and recovering more quickly.

In the big scheme of things, the relatively small investment in business continuity planning is one of the best investments you can make in your business, your reputation and livelihood.

This TourismIQ webinar, you will discover: 
  • What is business continuity planning: prepare, respond and recover;
  • Why it is important;
  • What is involved; and
  • Where to find resources and templates to develop your plan.

Webinar details:
Trainer: Siggi Frede, Effektiver
When: Tuesday, 15 September | 10am - 11am
FREE for TiCSA members | $20 for non-members