The Essentials Program provides participants with the foundational skills and mindset required to become a successful manager and leader.  Whether a new manager or an experienced leader, looking for a refresher, the Essentials Program is designed to provide the defining opportunities to develop and expand your knowledge and skills.  This program is being virtually over 4 half days.

Essentials is a virtually delivered, blended program combining facilitated learning, online study, profiling and leadership coaching post program.  

The program includes:
  • 4 x virtual half days
  • 1 x one-on-one coaching post program
  • 2 x diagnostic reports
  • DiSC & IML360 Feedback Survey
  • Practical online learning activities and reflections
  • One year professional Membership IML ANZ
Monday 22 February 2021
Wednesday 24 February 2021
Thursday 25 February 2021
Friday 26 February 2021

This virtual program will be delivered from 8:30am to 12:30pm on each of these days.

Investment $1695 (inc GST)

Discount 10% for registrations prior to 18 December 2020

To Register Contact:

Debbie Constable
Corporate L&D Manager
M:  0407 099 565

Essentials February 2021