Expert in Residence - Oliver Walton

Oliver Walton, Regional Workforce Program Coordinator at Regional Development Australia,  has 10 years of recruitment experience having firstly worked within a large international agency in Melbourne before working in Regional Australia in the Employment Services field with a stint of internal recruitment within financial services in between.

He is a trusted advisor to his clients providing invaluable advice on recruitment trends and how individuals can achieve their personal career goals. He believes in forward-thinking, rapid response and adding value to every interaction.

Oliver has been brought on to assist with the Regional Workforce Coordination and Collaboration Initiative to deal with workforce issues resulting from COVID-19

Oliver will be in the Hub on a fortnightly basis from November 16th discussing employment readiness with an emphasis on relevant topics such as job searching and applications, writing a resume and cover letter, career planning, interview preparation, transitioning from school to work and navigating Centrelink or other government programs.

 OIiver will be in the Hub:

  • November 16, 9am - 2pm
  • November 30, 9am - 2pm
  • December 14, 9am - 2pm