
Join us in person at the Business Alexandrina Hub at 12 Cadell Street Goolwa. The webinar will be hosted in the Hub Boardroom by the Business Alexandrina team. Alexandrina businesses who join the Hub network in July are free of charge.

Take this time of change to transform your online engagement with your customers.

During the online workshop and one-on-one mentoring, we will support you to transform your customer journey from traditional methods to the fast-moving digital world.
Reach your customers faster, and better your reputation.
  • Learn about web software to reach your customers and communicate easily with them
  • Be guided through ‘best practice’ software and learn how to tailor it to suit your needs
  • Ask any questions you had about engaging and servicing your new and prospective customers through your website and other digital platforms, including social media.


Hayden Zammit

Director, Tourism Accelerator

Hayden brings an energetic approach to tourism and digital marketing for small to medium-sized business with more than 10 year’s experience in the industry.

He provides hands-on support for businesses and his background working within the tourism industry across South Australia has achieved great results including Adelaide and Monarto Zoo increasing their admission sales by 160% within a 12-month period.

Hayden is a dynamic marketer and provides practical insights, and recommendations to achieve greater success online. He has provided a number of mentoring sessions for small businesses and his experience across regional South Australia will allow you to hit the ground running with practical support that can be adapted to your business.

Hayden brings an energetic approach to tourism and digital marketing for small to medium-sized business with more than 10 year’s experience in the industry.

He provides hands-on support for businesses and his background working within the tourism industry across South Australia has achieved great results including Adelaide and Monarto Zoo increasing their admission sales by 160% within a 12-month period.

Hayden is a dynamic marketer and provides practical insights, and recommendations to achieve greater success online. He has provided a number of mentoring sessions for small businesses and his experience across regional South Australia will allow you to hit the ground running with practical support that can be adapted to your business.